When the standard cooling medium water is replaced by IL-B2001 an explosion free environment is generated that allows cooling of metallurgical devices in a safe and sound manner.
- Non-corrosive due to the chlorine free chemical composition and production procedure
- Absolutely no explosive reactivity at contact with liquid metal
- Operation temperature 50-200 °C
- Minimum operation temperature -10 °C
- Almost no vapor pressure below decomposition temperature (~450 °C)
IL-B2001 therefore safeguards people, plants, production capacity and profit.
For applications in the field of metallurgical aggregates proionic collaborates with Mettop GmbH, an acknowledged Austrian plant engineering and design company. The developed cooling medium IL-B2001 is recognized as Best Available Technology (BAT) due to the ability to cool metallurgical devices in a safe manner compared to the standard cooling medium water.