Ionic Liquids
par excellence


Company Profile

Ionic liquid production & development excellence
proionic, a pioneer in the field and globally leading manufacturer and supplier of ionic liquids, offers innovative solutions for the efficient & competitive development & production of ionic liquids and corresponding applications.

Exclusive technologies and long-time experience are the basis for world´s most innovative ionic liquid manufacturing technology. proionic stands out due its exclusive CBILS® production process, a unique ionic liquid production technology for the efficient, safe, halide- and waste-free production of ultra-pure ionic liquids from kg- to ton scale.


•    Exclusive production technology
•    Efficient production of ultra-pure ionic liquids
•    Safe, halide- and waste-free production of ILs
•    Providing all ranges from kg- to ton scale
•    More diversity through almost unlimited combinations of cations and anions in a modular system
•    Optimum compatibility with materials
•    Applicable for conventional and tailor-made ionic liquids

proionic provides a wide range of established ionic liquids (bestseller) instantly available through proionics webshop


proionic enables the implementation of innovative technologies which emerge from the combination of ionic liquids, application expertise and technical realization. We offer our customers the opportunity to jointly develop completely new products and bring them to market, using proionic´s ionic liquid and profound know-how.


Management Team

Dr. Roland Kalb, Executive Director R&D / Founder

Dr. Roland Kalb is founder and scientific-technical director of the company. After receiving  a master’s degree in chemistry at the University of Vienna, he worked at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and was Head of the Organic Chemistry at the ECHEM Centre of Competence for Applied Electro-chemistry. In 2003 he invented a halide free, industrial production process for ionic liquids (CBILS®-process) and set up proionic in 2004. In 2017 he obtained a doctor degree from the University of Rostock. He is the key expert in ionic liquids, with almost 20 years of practical experience in development, production and technical application of ionic liquids. Roland Kalb is inventor on numerous international patents and patent applications and a member of multiple technical advisory boards.

DDI Bernhard Ludwig, Executive Director Operations & Sales

Bernhard Ludwig is Head of Operations & Sales at proionic GmbH. He holds a Master’s degree in Process Engineering and in Energy Supply Engineering, both from the Mining University Leoben, Austria. After 2 years in Energy Consulting and 7 years as project manager in turn-key-plant projects at VTU Engineering, he joined proionic in 2018. Bernhard is responsible for the operative business.

Dr. Markus Damm, Head of Research and Development

Markus Damm is Head of Research & Development at proionic GmbH. After completion of his master studies working on microwave chemistry, he was focusing on process intensification and the development of continuous flow processes during his time as PhD and postdoc. At proionic GmbH he is responsible for the management of R&D projects and the continuous improvement and development of high purity ionic liquid products.


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