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15 years ionic liquids production & development

proionic, a pioneer in the field and globally leading manufacturer and supplier of ionic liquids, is celebrating its 15th birthday with you. Profit from a discount of 15% on all ionic liquids from our webshop.
Discover our hiqh quality ionic liquids available from kg to ton-scale at competitive prices. Visit our webshop or contact proionic's Head of Sales, Bernhard Ludwig, for more Information or requests.

T: +4
3 664 889 339 40
Order now
CBILS® - Greener and halide-free technical synthesis of ionic liquids with consistent quality
Key Benefits
  • halide-free ionic liquid products (<5 ppm)
  • water levels in ionic liquids below 50 ppm realizable on large scale
  • perfect cation-anion stoichiometry easily adjustable
  • no waste generated during synthesis/production (high atom economy)
  • purification of products not necessary, except for the distillation of solvent residuals
  • the CBILS® methylcarbonate intermediates are converted quantitatively to the final IL upon reaction with every Brønsted acid, having a pKa <9 (modular system)
  • easy scale-up to a multi ton level
  • batch and continuous-flow production processes available for various standard products
  • no sophisticated equipment required (high process safety)
Meet us at COIL-8
proionic's Head of R&D, Markus Damm, will be presenting at the 8th International Congress on Ionic Liquids (COIL-8) Beijing, China on May 13-17, 2019 "What is purity of ionic liquids? A definition from a real world perspective". 
In his talk Markus will show that the applied, real world definition of purity is fundamentally more than just the absence of impurities like halide, water, starting materials or solvent residuals for ionic liquids.
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