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proionic news
  • Recap of International Conference on Cellulose Fibers
  • Successful cooperation with french startup RBX - EU project GALACTICA
  • The proionic family is growing
Recap of International Conference on Cellulose Fibers 2022
The third edition of the International Conference on Cellulose Fibers perfectly organized by the nova institute was a good opportunity for proionic to learn about the latest developments and trends in the field of Cellulosic Fibers. At the conference the “Cellulose Fiber Innovation Award” was granted to the German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) for the development of the HighPerCellCarbon® and the HighPerCell® process. The latter utilizes proionic´s imidazolium based ionic liquids as direct and recyclable solvent in an environmentally friendly and closed loop wet spinning process.[1] These technologies are currently translated to the pilot scale at Technikum Laubholz in Blaubeuren (Germany). Beside the HighPerCell® process other promising technologies and processes utilizing ionic liquids are entering the pilot stage, attracting the interest of technology providers whose equipments are required to assure an efficient interaction of the ionic liquid with the raw material during the dissolution process and for the recycling of the ionic liquid.

[1]: Buchmeiser, M. R., Hermanutz, F., et. al.; Cellulose, 2021, 28, 3055 – 3067.

Markus Damm, Head of R&D:
“Emerging and game-changing technologies like the HighPerCell® process developed by Dr. Hermanutz and his team or the Cellulose based microbeads developed by Naturbeads are one of the keys for a sustainable future. I am convinced it will be necessary, that we, as the supplier of the ionic liquid-based solvent, closely collaborate with both, the technology developers and the companies providing the necessary equipment for the process, like GIG Karasek or LIST technology.”
Successful cooperation with french startup RBX -
Another nominee for the “Cellulose Fiber Innovation Award” and presenter at the Conference of Cellulose Fibers in Cologne is proionic´s partner RBX Créations working on sustainable fibers and other products in the course of its Iroony® project, using hemp and flax as raw material. In the framework of a Horizon 2020 sponsored research project, a process is currently developed that aims for the extraction of Cellulose from various hemp and flax-based materials applying ionic liquids like choline lysinate. The materials provided by RBX are treated with ionic liquid applying optimized conditions. All relevant parameters like temperature, time, biomass loading, addition of co-solvents, and mixing were optimized. Starting on a gram scale, the most promising combinations of raw material and ionic liquid were translated to the kg scale to produce sufficient Cellulose to generate filaments at the German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF), also a partner of RBX for the last two years. The resulting fibers will be tested along the textile value chain involved in the Iroony® project. In parallel proionic works on the recycling of the ionic liquid and the extraction of other interesting substances contained in the biomass, for example Lignin.

Anne Reboux, RBX:
“This project combines proionic deep expertise on innovative eco-friendly solvents, recycling and advanced manufacturing, with ours on agriculture, ligno-cellulose and textile. It opens new opportunities for low-impact materials development, with assets of resiliency and circularity. We enjoy the dynamic with the team, which should lead to a sustainable cooperation for a sustainable industry!”

Marcell Gyurkač, Scientist R&D:
“I am really happy to work on such a promising, sustainable topic together in a highly motivated team with Anne and Charles from RBX. I think we have already learned and developed a lot during the last five months, and I am looking forward to holding the generated fibers in my own hands.”
“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 872336. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EISMEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.”
Give us a call or send us an email.
To learn more about IL applications in the field of cellulose extractions processes please contact
Markus Damm
Head of R&D
T: +43 (664) 889 339 43
The proionic family is growing
proionic is proud to welcome Vanessa Csitkovits as our newest member. Vanessa holds a PhD degree in biochemistry and has worked as a marketing manager for several years, but also brings a strong expertise in managing scientific projects.
In addition to focusing on proionic’s marketing tasks Vanessa will also work on improving our internal project management processes.
We warmly welcome Vanessa in our team and are happy to meet upcoming challenges with her.


Vanessa Csitkovits, Marketing and Communication:
“I am impressed, that ionic liquids have such a wide range of applications and look forward to working with such promising products! Every single application I have come across so far has enormous innovation potential and is in line with sustainability and resource conservation for promising future industries and technologies.”
Contact us.
For any marketing relevant questions or suggestions, please contact
Vanessa Csitkovits
Marketing & Communications
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